Friday, January 12, 2007

What do you know?

Do you know everything there is to know about patents?

If you do you are a rare bird. Patent law can be understood of course, but patent law is filled with subtleties, arcane language, obtuse rules and laws, complex interactions, and a number of attributes that are simply non-intuitive. And, as in any field, there are many myths and misunderstandings.

One of the things I want to do with this blog is to expose some of the misunderstandings for small businesspeople and raise their comfort level regarding patents.

As a businessperson you do not have to understand all of the details, but there are a number of concepts that you should have clear in your mind.

By the way, it is not only non-legal laymen who get confused by patent law. There are many general business attorneys who have difficulty with patent subtleties. And I have heard more than one federal judge trying a patent case bemoaning the difficulty of understanding patent language.

So one of the things we will return to repeatedly in these posts is to highlight misunderstandings I frequently encounter in my client base and try to make good sense out of it for you.

So if you have a nagging patent question, feel free to ask, either by posting or by sending an e-mail to:

The next post will begin the process by starting to ask some questions.

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